There is always that one person in every group who talks like, “Ohh in other countries, it is not like India, people there are educated, civilized and bla bla”. And honestly, these people who brag so much haven’t even visited the respective country they talk about. Feels relatable, right?
This story is our dedication to such people.
By now, you must be aware of how Americans in the initial stages of coronavirus spread ignored the same and were seen partying during the spring break. The result? America today is the worst affected country due to the coronavirus with over 7 lakh causalities. Also, 40,000 people have died of the virus in America.

And if in any case if this was a Chinese spread virus, they have probably been successful in achieving the goal of destruction behind it. And thanks to Americans who still are not in their wits and continue to protest ‘against the lockdown’ which has been implemented to save their lives.
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Anti-lockdown protest continues in US provinces including Michigan, Ohio, New York despite the surge in COVID-19 cases. People in the US are accusing the government of spreading the fear of the virus; as in it’s not something to dread about.
People have come out on the streets with placards which are not stupid but pathetic, have a look:

Today, the way India has implemented lockdown and Indians have adhered to it is the best of unity and presence of mind you will see. So to that person, first of all, visit the country or at least know it to the core before showering good words about it. And secondly, try to see the good and not always the bad in people, situations and more. Life will be more peaceful for you.
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And at least Indians are educated enough to not come out to protest against the lockdown despite being ‘foolish and less educated’ than the covidiots that Americans are.