Fake news has been the biggest problem in modern times. And not only print but mainstream TV news channels are taking a lead in this context. In such an attempt to create a sensationalized news or what you called ‘Breaking News,’ a TV news channel reported fake news about Amitabh Bachchan’s COVID-19 test.
The Bollywood megastar who tested positive for the COVID-19, after which all members of the family except wife Jaya Bachchan were also tested positive for the virus, From the date of the Bachchan family turning positive the media has been sensationalizing the issue with breaking news.
Doing so they reported that Big B has tested negative for the virus in the latest test. However, Big B hit hard on this piece of information related to him and said that it is fake. ” this news is incorrect, irresponsible, fake, and an incorrigible LIE !!”, he tweeted in regards to the news. The news channel later issued an apology but not before things got well noticed.
Here is how people to this fake news expose:
Sir Ji… this also sign of recovery, now you can taste and smell what is Fake. Remember your precious Ts??
— Sarcasm™️ (@SarcasticRofl) July 23, 2020
It’s @ashokepandit and @TimesNow biggest peddlers of fake news. A very important two of the same RW you so publicly endorse, Sir.
— Sangita (@Sanginamby) July 24, 2020
Meanwhile times now anchors: #AmitabhBachchan pic.twitter.com/hDVl7vuOzn
— BHUPENDER SAINI (@iambhupee) July 23, 2020
Sir we wish u & ur family best wishes & prayers for speedy recovery.
— Archan Gowda (@archansr) July 23, 2020
Since 2012 Indian Godi MODIA they have always beenIncorrect
Incorrigible LIERS.
And thanks to celebrity Bhakts PM Modi despite 5yrs of Disaster comes back with monumental disaster. pic.twitter.com/dbxhLNCTbN
मतलब अब @TimesNow भी फ़र्ज़ी ख़बरें फैलाने लगा ,,
— Ashish Ramesh ?? (@PandeyAshishh) July 23, 2020
लेकिन बच्चन साहब ने अस्पताल के कमरे से ही चैनल की "टाँय
टाँय फिस्स" कर दी ।
जियो ऐंथोनी जियो @SrBachchan