The Center government has launched the Pradhan Mantri Jan-Arogya Yojana, also known as the Ayushman Bharat Yojana, to improve health services to all sections of the country. This is the world’s most extensive healthcare program, with millions of low- and middle-income individuals receiving free treatment up to Rs 5 lakh. On September 23, 2018, the Modi administration at the Center started this initiative. If you wish to participate in this plan, you may easily apply.
Eligibility Of Ayushman Bharat Scheme
Before enrolling for the Ayushman Bharat plan, it is important to determine your eligibility. The government has developed this plan to help underprivileged and low-income individuals. This plan is available to tribal (SC / ST) homeless, impoverished, charity or alms seekers, laborers, and others.
If you wish to check your eligibility, go to the PMJAY official website. Then you need to select the Am I Eligible tab. Following that, you will be sent to a page where you can simply check your eligibility. You must input your mobile phone number and ration card number on this page. After that, you will be notified of your eligibility in a matter of minutes.
Benefits Of Ayushman Bharat Scheme
Beneficiaries of this plan are entitled to free treatment at government or private institutions throughout the country up to Rs 5 lakh. In addition, even after being admitted to the hospital, the government would cover all expenditures for the following 15 days. The unique feature of this system is that it benefits all members of the family based on their age and number. You do not have to spend a single rupee in cash since the Ayushman Yojana is a cashless initiative.
Documents Required For Ayushman Bharat Scheme
- Aadhar Card
- Ration Card
- Income Certificate
- Caste Certificate (If Needed)
- Mobile Number
- Passport Size Photo
Application Procedure For Ayushman Bharat SchemeÂ
- To apply for the Ayushman Bharat plan, go to its official website first.
- Click on the ‘New Registration’ or ‘Apply’ option for new registration.
- Following that, you must provide information such as your name, gender, Aadhaar number, ration card, and so on.
- Remember that any information you input should be correct, and double-check it.
- Upload all of the requested papers.
- After reviewing the whole application form, submit it.
- The officials will assess your application after it has been filed.
- Following this, you will be able to simply obtain a health card under the Ayushman Bharat initiative.
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Aabha card ke bare full detail bataye please
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Aayush maan card required
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