Employee Provident Fund is a scheme for employees. Amid the Covid-19 pandemic, the concerned department made several changes to the PF withdrawal rule. Initially, we have posted an article discussing the PF withdrawal for purchasing a home, illness, etc. Again, the Employee Provident Fund department said that EPF holders can now withdraw up to Rs 1 lakh in funds as a medical advance.

This benefit can availed against the employee’s accumulated corpus for emergency medical treatment or hospitalization. Also, employees will not need to give any estimate as to the cost of said hospitalization or procedure before withdrawing the funds.
The Employee’s Provident Fund Organization circulated the information as the matter of granting medical advance in the event of medical emergencies for employees under the PF scheme.
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As per the EPFO circular, the EPF advance scheme is only applicable to the employees covered under the Central Services Medical Attendant (CS(MA)) rules and those who fall under the coverage of the Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS).
Want To Obtain Medical Advance? Follow These Step-By-Step Process
Before applying for the EPFO withdrawal request under the medical advance scheme, you must know the requirements or conditions. So, the money that can withdraw must at least 6 months’ basic wages and dearness allowance of the member or to the member’s share of contribution with interest.

Step 1 – The patient should admit for treatment in a Government/PSU/CGHS impaneled hospital. In case, the patient admitted to a private hospital due to an emergency then they can appeal to the relevant authority to consider their case as fit to grant relaxation in rules.
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Step 2 – The family member or the employee must submit a letter on behalf of the patient for claiming the advance. It may include estimated cost, but does need the patient or hospital details.
Step 3 – Up to Rs 1 lakh is granted to the patient or family member or directly deposited to the hospital’s accounts for beginning the treatment process. This amount is given on the same working day or the following working day.
Step 4 – In case, if the treatment cost exceeds the Rs 1 lakh advance, then the patient can apply for an additional advance under the rules of withdrawal of the EPFO. This further advance grant after the receipt of the estimate for treatment and before the patient gets discharged from the hospital.
Step 5 – In the end, the employee or family member should submit the hospital bill within 45 days after being discharged. The medical advance received will adjusted to fit the final bill of the hospital as per the EPF rules.