The Recruitment and Assessment Centre( RAC) is inviting interested and eligible candidates to apply for DRDO RAC recruitment 2023 for Scientist ‘B’ posts. The eligible candidates can apply for this recruitment drive through an online process.

DRDO RAC Recruitment 2023
Application Fee
- “The application fee is ₹100 for General, EWS, and OCB male candidates. The application fee is exempted from SC/ST/PwD category candidates.”
Vacancy Details
- “This recruitment drive is being conducted to fill 181 vacancies of which 73 vacancies are for UR category candidates, 18 vacancies are for EWS category, 49 vacancies are for the OBC category, 28 vacancies are for the SC category and 13 vacancies are for ST category.”
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Age Limit
- “The maximum age for the unreserved and EWS category is 28 years. For the OBC(non-creamy layer) candidates, the maximum age is 31 years. The upper age for the SC/ST candidates is 33 years.”
Here’s the direct link to apply.