Hundreds of times while watching MasterChef, a thought crossed my mind. Why am I even watching this? And instead of coming up with an answer, my witty consciousness took pride in insulting me by adding the comment,’ Babe, half of the items shown in the show are not even available in India and the other half names you haven’t even heard’.
But that’s when I saw chef holding something familiar. Something I had seen before, here in India. And you know what it was? The humble, purple-colored ‘Brinjal’, which is found in all Indian homes.
But hey, he wasn’t calling it that. He was calling it, ‘Aubergine’. And that was the moment when it hit me. It’s just that mango people don’t know the fancy names of these everyday veggies. Which is why the conscious gets the upper hand in throwing insults when anyone watches a fancy show like MasterChef.
So, here are such names of vegetables that you do know, but hey, you need to update yourself to the fancier version. Have a look –
1. Ladies finger- Okra
2. Brinjal – Aubergine
3. Onion – Shallots
4. Bitter Gourd – Fu Qua
5. Kundru- Scarlet gourd
6. Zucchini – courgette
7. Radish- Daikon
8. French beans- Snaps
9. Jackfruit- Fenne
10. Litchi – Chin fruit
11. Spring Onion – Scallion
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12. Pumpkin- Calabash
13. Capsicum- Paprika
14. Chilli – Jalapenos
15. Peanut- Goober
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