OpenAI’s ChatGPT added speech capabilities to its mobile apps earlier last week, and now its competitor Google Bard has as well. Google Bard can now view and comprehend YouTube videos and answer questions about them.
This new function has been made available to users, and they should be able to try it out. Bard Extensions, which were added earlier this year, have this capability. Bard may collaborate and answer questions from the app-specific knowledge base using multiple extensions of different Google products.
The new features stated, We’re taking the initial steps in Bard’s capacity to interpret YouTube videos. For example, if you’re looking for videos on how to create olive oil cake, you may now inquire how many eggs the first video’s recipe calls for.
Google Bard Can Now Watch Youtube Videos
There are certain limits to this function. To some extent, Bard understands YouTube videos. It can analyze a video’s audio and visual material to extract the major points and concepts. It can also comprehend a video’s overall tone and mood.
It will, however, struggle to interpret films containing complicated or nuanced language, or videos that rely largely on visual signals. Furthermore, Bard does not respond to inquiries posed by films that include “potentially unsafe content.”
So, what are some possible applications for this feature? Bard’s function may be really useful when you need to evaluate a lengthy video but do not have the time to view it in its full. Simply insert the URL and request that it describe the video. You may also ask contextual questions or specific questions regarding the video. However, keep in mind that it may be unable to answer such queries if the video lacks a caption file that it can read.
YouTube is also developing a similar tool for Premium subscribers, in which viewers can ask an AI-powered chatbot questions about videos, get suggestions, and learn more about a topic. Interestingly, unlike YouTube, Bard’s functionality is open to everybody.