Are you also waiting for your hair to get smoother, longer and healthier in the new year 2023? If yes, then stay with me to learn about my favourite 5 hair care tips that can get you hair of your dream length and texture.
Let us not waste time and get on to learning about the proven tips to help you get soft and silky hair this year. All these tips are going to be simple and would require your bare minimum effort:
1. Balanced Diet

A balanced diet is a key to freedom from multiple health discomforts while it is also a way to a healthy body, hair and nails. If you are looking forward to having free-flowing damage free hair, then its nourishment shall start from within. You should take in all kinds of healthy food groups so that your body can consume the necessary vitamins and minerals. If you do not consume an appropriate amount of nutrition, then your body will direct the limited nourishment to the more vital parts of your body and hair isn’t one of them.
Supplements are another option you have for your diet. You can read some trusted sources and other internet resources to learn about the best supplements available.
2. Moisturisation & Hydration

Just like our skin needs sufficient moisture, our hair and scalp are no different than that. Lack of moisture can lead to a lot of hair breakage leaving a damaged set of hair on your head. Hydration will not only prevent hair breakage but also keep your hair smooth and soft. The first thing to do in order to get hydrated is to drink a lot of water and other essential fluids.
3. Limited Styling

Everybody likes to stay well-maintained and look their best while stepping out of the house. However, there is one thing that we miss is slaying in our real selves. I am mentioning this because when we style our hair more than deemed necessary, we tend to damage them. People who straighten and curl their hair on a regular basis end up damaging their beautiful hair. Avoid excessive styling of your hair and go for simpler hairstyles.
4. Hair Wash

Every day travelling and pollution leave our hair with build-ups from the products we use, sebum secreted by our glands, oil, dead skin cells and dirt from the outside. This build-up can suffocate our scalp while clogging our hair follicles. To avoid all these unwanted hair problems, I suggest you have a healthy hair-washing routine where you use mild products to cleanse your hair with love.
5. Trimming

The one mistake we make when we wish for long hair is to avoid trimming them. It is highly important to cut off the damaged ends which often turn into split ends. If you are under the impression that there are some products which can cure these for you, then I should expose to you that there are no products in the market that can help you with split ends but trimming.
6. Oiling

One of the oldest hair care products in ancient Indian Ayurveda is oil. There are so many different kinds of oil in India meant for different types of hair health issues. You can explore the range online or offline and get the right hair oil to help you with longer and healthier hair.
In this article, we learned about the 6 hair care tips for longer and healthier hair. You should make a resolution to follow these tips in New Year 2023 to get the best hair of your life. All you need to do is follow these tips consistently and have faith in the process.
Please share this article with people who need to work on their hair health. Also, leave your valuable feedback in the comment section given below.
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