Christmas and New Year on the cards means gifting season is here. And trust me, you can love your family soooo much, drool over the way your partner looks, but that closeness doesn’t promise that you can get them the perfect gift they deserve.
Happens to be that we suck at the game of gifting too. However, based on a Zodiac’s characteristics, we tried to scoop out a gift that they would love. Well, the results turned out to be hilarious rather than useful. Have a look.
1. Aries
Aries is a fire sign and hence they are agile, energetic, courageous and full of adrenaline rush. You will often find them hunting for adventure and action-packed life. So we thought a parachute would come handy? Maybe?

2. Taurus
Taurus loves expensive shit, even if it’s a mere silver spoon. Useless for the most part? But expensive. Moreover, they also appreciate thoughtful gifts. So a thoughtful and expensive gift for Christmas would be? How about onions?

3. Gemini
A Gemini is smart, intelligent, witty and super cool to hang out with. In a nutshell, they have all the qualities that a Sharam ji ka beta has. And we all hate Sharma ji ka beta for obvious reasons. So, the perfect gift for them would be a book of insult.

4. Cancer
A Cancer is a very sensitive person who dosen’t let his/her guard down easily with people. And when it comes to guards, officer Daya could deal with those any time.

5. Leo
Leo is another sign that loves expensive gifts. But unlike Taurus, who can find luxury in a sweet-smelling candle, Leo craves a really expensive gift like a $1,000 iPhone. So the best gift for them would be this book.

You better stop expecting expensive gifts
6. Virgo
A Virgo is not so picky and is fine with anything you can gift them. Truly, they would love to spend time with you and that would be the greatest gift of all. Par kuch to dena hoga na? So here is just that “anything”

7. Libra
Libra will love anything luxurious, beautiful, soft, and sparkly. So with that inspiration in mind, the best gift for them would be a night sky. Won’t cost you even a single penny and it’s sparkly, beautiful and luxurious. xoxo!!

8. Scorpio
A Scorpio gets jealous easily if their loved ones mess around with anyone else. They may not say it directly, but would always try to slip that emotion into conversations. And even then if you don’t listen, a stone at your head is obvious.

9. Saggaritius
In the whole Zodiac, Saggairtius are the most adventurous and freedom-loving people who like to travel. So what would be better than gifting them a lock so their possessions are safe when they are out on an adventure?

10. Capricon
Capricorns are the most practical people and would appreciate gifts that they can bring into use in their daily life. How about a World map? Practical and useful.

11. Aquarius
Aquarius is up for a unique gift. So the more the gift is out of the box, the better it’s. So practical and out of the box gift? hmm!! how about the spiciest chilly?

12. Pisces
Pieces are both romantic and shy at the same time. They struggle at getting their guard down but deep down they seek someone to take care of them. So with that being said, the best gift for them would be Tinder.