While there are various myths about Coronavirus the one is about its survival rate. How long does the virus survive on different surfaces? This has been the question that has not got a definite answer. However, researchers have given some reliable responses based on their work.

While you might also be wondering about the same we have got the answer compiled here for you. Here is the survival rate of the deadly virus on some of the most common surfaces that surround us:
- Glass – 5 days
- Wood – 4 days
- Plastic & stainless-steel – 3 days
- Cardboard – 24 hours
- Copper surfaces – 4 hours
Clearly Glass, Wood, and Plastic are the favorable turf for the COVID-19. Thus sanitization of these surfaces along with others is quite important for protection. Earlier plastic was sought to be the most favorable turf for the virus.

Generally, the daily household products come in plastic, cardboard and glass-based packagings the risk of spread is high. Thus all the advisories from authorities rely on their immediate sanitization after purchase. Further, a study published March 4 in JAMA (American Medical Journal), also indicates that the virus is transported by air. The WHO has not said that the disease is airborne.
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JAMA’s study is based on a finding of the virus on a ventilator in the hospital room of an infected patient, where it could only have reached via the air. The virus can also remain in the air by being suspended in droplets and aerosols. However, the chances of catching through the air are very less unless one is very close to the source.