Essential changes in our lives must also be made on the Government authorized papers. When we move our homes, change our names, or get a new phone number, these all essential decisions must be edited on the official papers of the Government IDs also. And one such essential document is an Aadhaar Card, without which you can’t even open a bank account or get a job. Aadhaar Card has a unique 12-digit identification number issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India or UIDAI. For every Indian, this ID is an identification proof and residence proof. Aadhaar card carries details like name, phone number, address, DOB, and more. And if your life decisions ended up changing any of these details then you should make corrections to your Aadhaar card also. However, UIDAI only allows a limited number of chances to make these corrections.

Aadhaar Card Correction Limit
How Many Times Can I Correct My Name On My Aadhaar?
As per UIDAI guidelines, a person can only make changes in his or her name on the Aadhaar only twice.
How Many Times Can I Correct My Date Of Birth On My Aadhaar?
From UIDAI’s perspective, the need to change your name and date of birth is very different. Very few people need this type of change in their Aadhaars and it’s rarely needed. You can make a DOB correction when only it’s a mistake done during data entry when you were getting registered in the Aadhaar Database managed by UIDAI, only once.
“In this regard, you should also note that the change of date of birth is allowed within a range of plus-minus three years of the date of birth registered during Aadhaar enrollment. You must also submit a primary document of your date of birth. “If the resident provides documentary evidence of Date of Birth, then the Date of Birth is considered as “Verified”. When a resident declares the DoB without any documentary evidence, then the date of birth is considered as “Declared”, says the Aadhaar website. Those who have already been verified, will not be allowed to change their date of birth on Aadhaar”, mentioned News18.
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How Many Times Address and Gender Can Be Corrected In Aadhaar?
As per UIDAI, Address and Gender changes can also be done once only.
How To Make Corrections In Aadhaar?
“To update your Aadhaar Card details online, you first need to have your phone number linked to access the website. If the phone number is linked, you can visit the portal to start the process. The Self-Service online mode offers address updates to the residents where the resident can directly place the update request on the portal”, says the UIDAI website.