The government of India started the third vaccination drive for everyone above 18 years of age. Now, the drive is fully digitally driven, the government has rolled out the support to locate the nearest vaccination center using WhatsApp messaging app.
However, WhatsApp users can now find the nearest vaccination center in a particular location to book vaccination slots.
Here are the steps to find the nearest vaccination center
Step 1: Save the 9013151515 number on your phone or visit
Step 2: Type Hi, Hello, or Namaste to start chat
Step 3: After this, you will receive an automated message including essential and basic details, like emergency contact numbers, a link to the Aarogya Setup app, change of language support, etc.
Also Read: Government Launches Aarogya Setu, A Coronavirus Tracker App Here’s How It Works
Step 4: Then, reply ‘1’ for information related to centers and authentic information. Again, reply ‘1’ for center related information
Step 5: Now, enter the six-digit postal code of your region
Step 6: You will receive a list of all the centers in your area with the names of the center, dates, and number of slots for each date.
Step 7: The message also includes a link to the CoWin website to book the slot.
People are finding it impossible to book a slot for vaccination on Cowin.