Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia launched India’s first Aero Sports policy on Tuesday. This is India’s first Aero Sports policy.
Jyotiraditya Scindia Launched The Policy
The government says that this policy will bring more opportunities for the people of the country and will create an industry of 8 billion USD. According to the policy, each sport will have its central and state-level association. The policy contains a total of 11 sports.

A draft notification regarding the same was issued by the government in the month of January. The final policy was made after considering suggestions from various sectors. The policy aims to contribute to the development of travel, tourism, infrastructure, and the aviation sector. Talking about the policy, Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindiahe says, “The youth of India represent the future of aero sports. Programmes aimed at raising interest in aerial sports will be encouraged. Schools, colleges, and universities will be encouraged to have air sports included in the curriculum,”.
ASFI To Govern The Initiative

The Air Sports Federation of India will be the governing body for this initiative. ASFI will have 33 members, 4 of them will be government officials and the rest will be from the private sector. As per the policy, “The ASFI will publish its draft guidelines within six months of the date of publication of NASP 2022 after consulting with stakeholders. This federation will be chaired by civil aviation ministry secretary Rajiv Bansal,”.
“The ASFI will be an autonomous body, and will present India at the Fédération aéronautique internationale (FAI) and other global platforms related to air sports. It will provide governance over all aspects of air sports, including regulation, certification, competitions, awards, and penalties,”, Says the Union ministry of civil aviation.
List of Sports Included
Presently, the government has included the following sports among the 11 in the sports list: aerobatics, aero modeling and rocketry, ballooning, amateur-built and experimental aircraft, drones, gliding and power gliding, hand gliding and power hand gliding, parachuting, paragliding and paramotoring, powered aircraft and rotor aircraft.