In an attempt to hold its ground amid high competition from rivals like TikTok, Instagram doesn’t shy away introducing new features to its platform. And keeping up with the trend, Instagram has now announced a new feature that will tell you who, from your following list, you least interact with.

The feature may not sound like the best, but can surely help you sort out those accounts that you usually don’t interact with and thus mightn’t want to follow them any further.
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The feature, as per Livemint, has been released and can be accessed by anyone interested. All you need to do is head to the ‘Following’ tab to find the feature. If you can’t find one, make sure the Instagram app is running the latest version.
How to Check Least Interacted Friends List
Go to the Instagram app and Tap on the “Following” list. The app will automatically sort the accounts you follow under two categories: “Least Interacted With” and “Most Shown in Feed”.

Moreover, there is also a third feature, wherein Instagram sorts you ‘Following’ list by showing which accounts you have followed at the earliest and which one you have recently followed. This is shown under three categories: “Sort by Default”, “Date followed: Latest” and “Date followed: Earliest.”
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So with that being said, it’s time to get rid of irrelevant and boring accounts that no good but only spam your feed, making it more cluttery.