As per the latest move of the Maharashtra state government students in schools would have to compulsorily read out the preamble to the Constitution of India. From this 26th January, it would be mandatory for schools across Maharashtra to make children read Preamble during their morning assemblies.
The State Minister Varsha Gaikwad informed about the decision of the government yesterday. Reading of the preamble is the part of the “sovereignty of constitution, welfare of all” campaign, a state government circular said.
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School Education Minister of the state said that, “Students will recite the preamble to the Constitution so that they know its importance. It is an old GR. But we will implement it from 26 January”. The move comes at a time when largescale protests are being held against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and the likely National Register of Citizens (NRC).
Read more at The Quint