Your identity across social media platforms is no more under the shield of complete privacy. The government can now get your identity from your Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and TikTok accounts.
As per new rules for social media companies and messaging, apps government agencies can ask them to reveal users’ identities. The controversial rules are to be published later this month. The move comes at a time when governments around the world are trying to hold social media companies more accountable for the content that circulates on their platforms.

Governments across the globe are trying to remove fake news, child porn, racist invective or terrorism-related content from such platforms. However, the Indian government’s guidelines go further than most other countries. It calls for blanket cooperation with government inquiries without a warrant or judicial order.
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The guidelines were proposed way back in December 2018. The Internet and Mobile Association of India said that guidelines would violate the right to privacy recognized by the Supreme Court. Once the rules are published billion’s of users privacy would be at risk. For more information in this regards click here