Sponsored Messages, according to Telegram, are based entirely on the subject matter of public channels, and no user data will be harvested for this purpose.
Announcing the debut of Sponsored Messages on its platform, Telegram has stated that anybody may advertise their channels and bots via the use of the new tool. Sponsored Messages will be accessible in public Telegram channels with more than a thousand subscribers, as well as in private Telegram channels. It will also be restricted to a maximum of 160 characters. At the moment, the functionality is only available in test mode. According to Telegram, once Sponsored Messages are implemented and enable the app to cover its basic infrastructure expenses, the app will split ad money with the administrators of the channels in which the messages are shown.
![telegram sponsored messages](https://www.gizmochina.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/telegram-sponsored-messages.jpg)
Pavel Durov, the creator and CEO of Telegram, announced the debut of Sponsored Messages in a blog post published on November 19. In his confirmation, he said that Sponsored Messages will not display in your conversation list, private chats, or group conversations. Additionally, there will be no advertisements in Telegram conversations. According to the corporation, Sponsored Messages will appear only on the basis of the topics covered by the public channels in which they are broadcast.
With this new function, Telegram’s CEO has emphasized that users’ privacy would not be jeopardized, stating that no user data is mined or processed in order to show advertisements.
Telegram has reached 1 billion downloads on the Google Play Store.
“User information will not be utilized to target advertisements. As with all we do, the protection of our users’ personal information is our first concern. As a result, unlike other applications, we will not utilize your personal information to show advertisements “, Durov said.
Every user who visits a certain channel on Telegram gets the same Sponsored Messages as everyone else. In addition to public channels with more than 1,000 members, the Sponsored Messages may be viewed in private channels with less than 1,000 users.
The Sponsored Messages feature is currently in the testing phase and is not yet accessible to all users of the service. It is planned that after the service is online and Telegram is able to balance its fundamental operating expenses, such as equipment and data centers, the firm will distribute income to channel administrators who manage the channels where Sponsored Messages are shown. In a recent interview, Pavel Durov stated that Telegram is more ad-free than its key competitor WhatsApp, claiming that the Meta-owned network exchanges user data with marketers even if it does not display advertisements itself.