With a recent update, Telegram has grabbed a lot of attention from its millions of users around the world. The previous update of the instant messaging platform was excitingly confusing, but the latest is very stable and makes interactions more indulging with infinite reactions, emoji status, fluid login design, downloading on priority, and android goodies.
New Quality Update of Telegram
Infinite Reactions
A recent update has provided hundreds of reactions from the users, that also include those who have premium versions only. So are you wondering how you will navigate to your favourite one? Well, when you use a reaction it will quickly be shown at the top in the recently used option. Moreover, for the premium subscribers, Telegram will allow access to unlimited custom emojis, while also being able to send up to 3 reactions per message. In one on one chatting, the premium users can send as many custom reactions as they want. However, in group chats, the admins have the power to control the use of custom reactions.
Emoji Statuses
The Telegram premium users will be able to use emojis as statuses which will be displayed right next to their names, to let everyone know their feelings at a time. This process allows emojis to take the place of your premium badge to be displayed. Users will have the option to choose an emoji out of 7 but can customize its colours to match different Telegram themes. The app will also suggest popular terms for you to display and express your mood like travelling, working, busy or sleeping that will be on the top.
Now Prioritize Your Downloads
Android users, with the latest Telegram update, can now prioritize their downloads to save time. Now, when users tap on any file to download, a blinking arrow will appear on the top right corner by tapping it they will access the download section. In which all the different incoming files will be displayed, users can pause and prioritize any one file out them to save time.
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New Username Links
The instant messaging app has now introduced an easier method to share username links. So far, “Telegram users could share their profile by using a link such as t.me/username or https://t.me/username. The new username links don’t require the forward slash, so you can just type username.t.me. This makes it easier to share a link to your Telegram profile”, mentioned Hindustan times.