WhatsApp offers encrypted voice calling, texting, and video calling features with an aim of providing communication convenience. This instant messaging platform always focuses on prioritising users’ information security and privacy. In the last few years, WhatsApp has made significant changes to its core principles which involved adding new features and services while removing all the vulnerabilities. However, for this ever-upgrading instant messaging platform it’s still not enough. WhatsApp is currently working on many-core updates which can feature a smooth and very much satisfying user experience. Here is the list of five upcoming WhatsApp features arriving for the best user experience.

Here Are The 5 Upcoming WhatsApp Features Going To Make Headlines Soon
Screenshot Blocker

Screenshot blocking will soon be available on WhatsApp. This means others will not be able to take a screenshot of your profile or your sent ‘View Once’ messages. A stable update of this feature will be available soon. Along with blocking screenshots, screen recordings can also be restricted after updating. This upcoming attribute will boost the privacy standards for WhatsApp users.
Embed Hyperlinks On WhatsApp Status

After the arrival of this feature, users will be able to create hyperlinks on the captions of the WhatsApp status. WhatsApp status is the same as Facebook or Instagram’s story update feature. Sharing information through links will get much easier as other users will be able to open them.
WhatsApp Premium Is Coming On Business Version

WhatsApp is soon going to launch its paid subscription services for Business version subscribers which will be called WhatsApp Premium. This will be very similar to that of Telegram and WhatsApp will provide several types of perks to its premium users.
Business Tool Tab For WhatsApp Business Users

Soon there will be a new tab added to the WhatsApp Business, named WhatsApp Business Tool Tab. This tab will replace the camera icon and users will be able to use several business settings without accessing the options deep in the menu. These options will include business profile settings, catalogue options and ads linked on Instagram and Facebook.
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Sidebar Tool And Status Replies For WhatsApp Desktop Users

Advanced sidebar tool feature and status replies will soon be available for WhatsApp desktop users. Now desktop users will be able to check their contact statuses and respond towards them just like they do on smartphones. On the other hand, a sidebar tool will get users to access to profile options, status updates, and settings.