Everyone goes through multiple relationships which Don’t last. Some of these relationships end up because of our faults and some due to other people’s faults. All that we can do is learn from our mistakes and never repeat the toxic things done to us in the wrong relationship.

However, I have a list of 7 ‘Don’ts’ every girl should avoid in a relationship. Please go through them to realise what you were doing wrong and what should have been done instead.
1. Don’t Let Go of Your Independence.
Don’t let the other person set boundaries for your flight in terms of career and growth. However, respect the boundaries and differences between right and wrong.
2. Don’t Stop Putting in Efforts
Putting in effort is the responsibility of both the people present in a relationship and it should not be thrown on the shoulders of a single person.
3. Don’t Cheat
It is very obvious that cheating is off the limit in any relationship, however, physical cheating is not the only thing people can do. Please make sure to not cheat emotionally, financially or in any other way.
4. Don’t Forget your Friends
The one mistake everyone makes is forgetting their friends. Please remember that they can anchor us in our lives and we should take out time to spend with them.
5. Don’t Compare your Partner with Others
No one is perfect and neither are you, your partner or your relationship. Never compare these with others but cherish the happiness you feel around each other.
6. Don’t Stop Him from Having His Own Life
It is important for both of you to have a life of your own to keep the balance in the relationship. So, Don’t stop him from hanging out with his friend or doing things that he likes.
7. Don’t Try to Change Who They Are
The most important thing is to not change the person you fell in love with. If you think you can not deal with the person, consider communicating it to them. They can change it if they want to but if not, you should consider moving on.
In this article, we learnt about the 7 ‘Don’ts’ a girl should avoid in a relationship to keep it healthy for herself and her partner. If everyone follows these tips, they can keep their relationships untarnished by unimportant things.
Please share this article with your partners and best friends who need to understand these things to keep their relationships healthy.
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