We all are looking for ways to pass our time amidst the pandemic we are in. And you surely have had found different ways to keep yourself entertained amidst the blues.
Just like you, here are two people who sort to different ways to pass their time and their way of passing time is helping us pass some time. Chronology samjhe? Nhi? Ok.
In the video doing the rounds on Twitter, a crane operator can be seen trolling a person sunbathing on the ground. The crane operator casts a shadow on the man tying to sunbath, using the crane’s arm and it’s both rude and funny to watch. Have a look:
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While so many people had a good laugh at the poor sunbather, there were also some who were angry with the behaviour of the crane operator. Surely, it is not ok to annoy someone who is maintaining all social distancing norms and trying to chill.
Come on, you gotta admit it, it’s ? Sometimes you just gotta see life from the other side. Of cause it’s not much fun for the other guy, but no harm done and you’ve gotta appreciate how much joy it gave the crane opporator. Let yourself share in it too.
— Jim (@jimsayshi_Xbox) May 20, 2020
Crane operator is clearly a complete arsehole. Why do people like this kind of behaviour?
— r0binho (@r00binh00) May 20, 2020
Does that boy in the crane realise that he will die a virgin if he goes through life behaving like that?
— Beatrice Caball (@BeaCaball) May 20, 2020
— Drew Shannon (@montadrew) May 20, 2020
I’ve never wanted to be a crane operator more. And I already wanted to be one a fair amount. Excellent attention to detail here. ???
— Bex Esq. (@WombleBexy) May 20, 2020
I love to hear a grown man giggle. And, to be fair, it wasn’t cruel or spiteful. No one was harmed. I chuckled.
— Patricia Ashwood ? (@MrsAshwood) May 21, 2020
I'm laughing way more than I should at this. But, when you're that high up all on your own, then what a better way to while away the hours?! ????
— Paddy O'Brien (@wolfetone98) May 20, 2020
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What’s your opinion on it? Let us know in the comment section below.