Nature has got many things for us to behold that you may find out of the world. And in the latest addition to the wonders of nature, here’s one instance that was captured in-camera.
The latest addition to ‘things we would love to know about’ is the video of a tree the bark of which is a source of water. The clip was shared by retired Indian Forest Services Digvijay Singh Khati on Twitter.
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‘Terminalia Tomentosa, Crocodile bark tree or Sain. This tree can quench your thirst in rare circumstances,’ he wrote.

In the video, a police officer can be seen making a cut in the trunk of the tree water from which nozzles out. Officials present at the scene take turns to quench their thirst.

For the unaware, the tree named Terminalia elliptica is a species of Terminalia which is native to southern and southeast Asia. These are found in places like India, Nepal, Myanmar, Thailand, Bangladesh, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. The tree is found in both dry and moist forests in southern India.
Netizens were also amused to know about the tree and its wonders.
It will remain like that for sometime. Later it will dry naturally. It’s stored water, little extraction would hardly have and adverse impact on plant !!
— Digvijay Singh Khati (@DigvijayKhati) June 14, 2020
I could see some hesitance to drink it. Hmm
— Quaritch miles (@switch_miles) June 14, 2020
Never heared before sir thank you for sharing very valuable information…
— Indian (@Indian64914144) June 14, 2020
Nature has many ways for helping tribals.
— Kamalpreet Singh (@Kamalpr27231880) June 14, 2020