Humans can be cruel at times, especially against animals who may not even know what cruelty is. And in one similar incident, human cruelty is again fairly visible. According to an animal activist, a swan has ‘died of a broken heart’ after her unborn cygnets were killed by youngsters who destroyed her nest.
As per the reports by Manchester Evening News, a swan in Manchester Canal in Bolton recently died of heartbreak after a group of children threw stones and bricks at her nest and destroyed her eggs.
After the incident, only 3 of her eggs had survived but they were also soon gone after someone stole them leaving only one. Also, wildlife activists say that the male swam have left two weeks ago and have nor returned ever since. He adds that the male swan was stressed.
And after all this, the female swam was recently found dead.
“There’s not much I can say really. She probably died of a broken heart as she had a partner for life and he was driven away by stress,” MEN quoted wildlife activist, Sam Woodrow as saying.
“I have tried to keep you updated on this swan who laid six eggs, three were destroyed by youths, she has then been harassed by dogs jumping in and harassed by a duck and moor hen and two more eggs were lost leaving her with one egg,” Sam added.
The post further said, “Her mate left her on her own and sadly I was informed this morning she was found slumped in her nest dead. Just feel like crying as I have followed her progress for about 12 weeks”.
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The people who broke the eggs are being traced. However, it is also time we teach our kids not to do the same with animals for they too have a family. And most of us know the pain one has to go through when someone losses a family member.