Iconic Hollywood director James Cameron known for works like ‘Titanic’ and ‘Avatar’ has praised Vidhu Vinod Chopra’s upcoming flick. Vidhu Vinod Chopra’s next ‘Shikara’ which is based on the exodus of ‘Kashmiri Pandits‘ is set to release this week.
The Hollywood director Cameron has called the movie a ‘masterpiece’. The latest teaser of the movie features a blurb by Cameron calling Shikara ‘a masterpiece’. Based on true events Shikara tells the story of over 400,000 Hindu refugees. The refugees were forced to flee the Kashmir valley during the 90s.
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The movie stars newcomers Sadia as Shanti Dhar and Aadil Khan as Shiv Kumar Dhar. “It’s a tribute to the Pandit community, to us, to our mothers. Nobody listened to us for 30 years. Our story was hidden for the past 30 years,” said Chopra.
Inputs from Hindustan Times