On Thursday, The Uttar Pradesh government ordered the DMs and Mandalayukta of all the districts to remove religious places that encroach the roads. The Home Department circulated an official press release stating no religious constructions are allowed on streets and public roads.
Furthermore, the statement says that in case any such construction has come up after January 1, 2011, it will be removed immediately.’ The religious structures constructed before January 1, 2011, have given a time of six months for a planned removal. The state government in compliance with the order of the high court has issued these instructions.

The DMs and mandalayuktas received a letter stating that each encroachments religious structure should be removed. Additionally, the DMs and mandalayuktas have submitted the report with the lists of religious places removed after the order.
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According to the Home Department officials, the police commissioners and divisional commissioners of Noida and Lucknow, Superintendents of Police, and District Magistrates have issued an order on Tuesday to find and remove religious places that are encroaching lanes, roads, and highways.
Stay tuned with us for further updates!