After few months of the announcement, WhatsApp has finally released the official notification for the “View Once feature“. This feature allows users to remove a picture/ video or a view after the message has been opened.

WhatsApp says that the WhatsApp Company want to get provide more control over user’s privacy with the ‘View Once’ feature. However, this feature previously appeared multiple times during the beta tests.
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The View once media is only for immediate consumption, in which the media file is not saved to the recipient’s Photo Gallery. WhatsApp also said that not everything needs to be recorded permanently. Sometimes, things demand a quick reaction and this is a situation where View Once the feature is required. For instance, the case if you have forgotten the home or office Wi-Fi password, then you can quickly ask someone to write and send it to you as View Once media.

The company also said that all the View Once media is protected by end-to-end encryption so that even WhatsApp cannot see them as is the case with personal messages. Moreover, they made it clear with a new “one-time” icon.
The View Once media remains on chat, in case if users do not open the media within 14 days of sending. Before sending a view once media, you must select view once media each time you want to send a view once photo or video.