WhatsApp, the most popular instant messaging on the Planet, has now introduced an advanced version of the ‘Delete for everyone’ feature. Well, it’s already a life-saving ability working as a last resort after you have sent an unwanted message by deleting it. But things always go wrong when, by mistake, people click on ‘Delete for me’ instead of ‘Delete for everyone’. It’s a very frustrating mistake after which you cannot take your words back. So, to help you in this situation WhatsApp has now introduced an ‘Accidental Delete’ feature, now being rolled out to users.
What is the ‘Accidental Delete’ Feature of WhatsApp?
The accidental Delete feature of the instant messaging app- WhatsApp, will allow users to reverse any deleted message. How will it be useful, you say? After getting this new feature on your smartphone you can undelete a message when you have mistakenly clicked on the ‘Delete for me’ instead of the ‘Delete for everyone option. This reverse option will only be allowed for 5 seconds, after that you cannot do anything. How does this work? You will have to click an undo icon appearing at the bottom of the screen as soon as you click on ‘Delete for me’.
This new layer of protection will be rolled out for everyone including android and ios users. The rollout has already begun for a few devices and it will soon cover the whole community.
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