After introducing several features in the last few months, WhatsApp announced to release the Global Voice Message Player soon for its users. The company is working on a “global voice message player”. This feature will allow users to listen to voice messages even after leaving the chat. As cited on the WaBetaInfo website, when users play voice message and leave that particular chat, it will then be pinned to the top of the main app. It also says that the app will display the voice message on the top of every chat or section you visit.
WaBetaInfo said “WhatsApp will also give an option to pause and dismiss the voice message at any time. This feature could be useful when you receive a long voice message. “In this case, you can continue sending messages to other contacts when you are listening to the voice message.”
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However, this feature has been seen in the iOS beta version, but it is only available for limited users. The source cited that the same feature will also be rolled to Android users in a future update. Besides this, the Facebook-owned messaging App also enabled end-to-end encrypted backups for iOS as well as Android users. Moreover, WhatsApp Messenger allows users to secure their chat backups on Google Drive.
Apart from all these features, WhatsApp is also working on a feature named “Default message timer.” With the help of this feature, you can start conversations with disappearing mode. At present, users who want to use disappearing mode can enable it manually.