Coronavirus, for the past two months, has brought life to a standstill across China. The deadly virus has killed over 2,950 people in China alone and now it’s expanding its presence in different parts of the world. Recently, Coronavirus cases were reported in countries including Iran, the USA, South Korea and even India.
Nevertheless, despite the virus’s presence, life, like always, must continue. But, with some precautions. And when it comes to precautions, Chinese people seem to have scooped out the best of them.
Have a look at these weird ways Chinese people are following to save themselves from coronavirus.
1. A Firewall
Precaution is better than cure and taxi drivers in China seem to have understood the quote well. So they have built themselves a firewall kinda thing to keep the coronavirus at bay. What a idea sirji.
2. Giraffe goes shopping
Finding the right gear for keeping the coronavirus at bay? Maybe a giraffe customer could help. It seems to be working fine for her and makes people in the vicinity happy.
3. Coronavirus friendly handshake
As coronavirus spreads, it’s highly advised to not touch people often. But what if you really want to do a handshake? Well, here is one way.
4. No Kissing Please
Opposite sexes greeting each other with alternative kisses on the cheeks is a well-known tradition in European countries. However, kisses can lead to Coronavirus spread. Thus, Switzerland Minister has recently urged people to drop the kissing tradition for the time being.

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5. Spray!! Spray!!
The spread of coronavirus is high at public places like schools, so to fight the same, a school in Beirut was seen spraying disinfectant on its students before they entered their classrooms.
6. A full-blown mask
Sometimes, a face mask is just not enough and you might feel the need a mask for the whole of you. So here’s your inspiration.

7. Bottles on head
People wearing plastic bottles to cover their heads has become a common trend in China. Well, the way you look doesn’t really matter under such dire circumstances.
8. Cover everything up
And if plastic bottles aren’t enough, pack yourself in plastic bags to make yourself Coronavirus-proof.

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9. Astronauts on roads
Amidst, the Coronavirus spread you can take fancy dress inspiration from the people. One would be this cool looking astronaut costume.
10. What is this behaviour, sir?
Not everything that looks likes mask is a mask sir.

11. Helmet can literally save you from anything
Helmet on the plane is new among the weird things people are doing to save themselves from coronavirus.