As the Coronavirus acquires a deadly face causing over 500 deaths the threat of it is spreading fast. However, the chances of you being dying of it is just about 2%. Yes, you heard it right just 2% chances of death due to Coronavirus.

A latest in-depth analysis of the Coronavirus menace by popular YouTuber Dhruv Rathee has put facts on the table. In a recently released video, Rathee has explained the entire thing in a clear way. There are close to 25,000 people so far who are effected by virus and close to 500 are reported dead. Over 950 out of the 25,000 have recovered from it.

Going by the calculations the virus has a Mortality rate (rate of causing deaths) of just 2%. Interestingly Coronavirus (a group of viruses) is the one which is responsible for diseases like ‘Common Cold’. Thus, there are more chances of you being surviving after being affected then dead.
So Why 500 Plus Deaths?
Now, the genuine question that might arise is why so many deaths then. Well, the answer to this is low immunity. Reports show that people with low immunity are more likely to be succumbing to the virus than any other person. Among these elderly and children form a big chunk of people with low immunity.

In the recent deaths, a good number of people are those who have low immunity. Elderly and infants thus form the vulnerable group for the virus along with anybody with low immunity. Further, since it is so much contagious it has less death rate.
Also Read: Woman Scares Rapist By Pretending To Be Coronavirus Affected
An epidemiological study of such contagious diseases shows that more the contagiousness lesser are the death rates. Thus, rather than panicking about the virus’s spread and going into myths act smartly. Prepare yourself by boosting immunity rather than boycotting things illogically following WhatsApp messages.