The highly anticipated trailer of Deepika Padukone starrer Chhapaak was released on Tuesday. And truly, the movie in which Deepika dons the role of an Acid attack survivor has enough to stir multiple emotions in you.
Chhapaak, as a movie, doesn’t only depict Laxmi Agrawal’s story as an Acid survivor but also what it’s like to live as an Acid attack survivor in the country.
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The trailer begins with people staging protest against the Acid attack on Malti and following to her falling on the ground after being acid-attacked.
The trailer further shows Malti struggles and fight to overcome the misogynist and cruel society that weighs her down each time she tries to pick herself up.
It surely must have been a challenge for Deepika to play her part. Me, as a person who gets goosebumps just by think of the heinous crime, wonders what Deepika must have gone through to enact her role in sheer brilliance.
Sharing the trailer on social media, the makers wrote: “Malti (Deepika Padukone) was attacked with acid on a street in New Delhi, in 2005. Through her story, the film makes an attempt to understand the on-ground consequences of surviving an acid attack in India, the medico-legal-social state of affairs that transpires after the acid has been hurled.”
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On the bright side, there’s enough for us, as a society or as a person, to learn from the trailer. The most important thing being how to accept oneself for it’s the beginning of the life-long romance.
During the last few seconds of the trailer, it’s heartwarming to see Malti find happiness in ‘people’ and herself.
For the unknown, Meghna Gulzar’s Chhapaak will showcase the story of an acid attack survivor, who was attacked in 2005 by a 32-year-old man after she rejected his advances.