Are you ready to learn about the most dangerous animals in the world that can kill you with the tiniest bit of the strength they possess?
A few questions about animals were circling my brain which made me look this topic up on the internet. You won’t believe the kind of information that came forth. It shook me so much that I decided to share it with you in the form of this article so please enjoy.
Last two of these dangerous animals will surprise you.
Very Dangerous Animals In The World
1. Brown Bear

Kills 40 People A Year
How does it kill?
Brown Bear uses their paws to knock its prey down followed by biting on its neck, back, arms or legs. The final part of their attack is snapping the head of the prey.
2. Honey Bees

Kills 100 People Per Year
How does it kill?
There is no dramatic way for the honey bees to kill humans but their general sting can kill humans if they have an already existing allergy.
3. Cone Snail

Kills Less Than 100 People a Year
How does it kill?
Cone Snail has a cannon-like mouth which works like a blow gun that can shoot barbed dart-like ‘tooth’ at a massive speed of 640 KM per hour. This tooth has the fatal venom that it injects into its prey, in this case, humans.
4. Box Jellyfish

Kills 100 People a Year
How does it kill?
Box Jellyfish sting and release venom in its prey’s body causing Irukandji syndrome. This syndrome results in the overload of stress hormones and inflammation protein in the body. It can cause immense pain and nausea for multiple days. In addition to this, it can suffer from high blood pressure that can lead to brain haemorrhage and death.
5. African Cape Buffalo

Kills 200 People a Year
How does it kill?
African Cape Buffalo spots and locks its target within the diameter of 18 to 55 metres. Once locked, it marches towards the target at a speed of 50 km per hour. As soon as it reaches its target, it drops its head to use its sharp horns so that it can kill the target by throwing it away.
6. Lion

Kills 200 People Per Year
How does it kill?
Lions stalk their prey in hiding and pounce on them upon getting the right chance to knock them over. Then they break its neck or suffocate it by clamping their jaws at the right spot.
7. Great White Shark

Kills 200 People Per Year
How does it kill?
Great White Shark spots their target and rushes towards it with a burst of speed. At the same speed, it bumps into its prey while simultaneously biting into it. To do the biting, these sharks are blessed with more than a thousand sharp teeth in their mouth.
8. Wolf

Kills 500 People Per Year
How does it kill?
Once the prey is knocked to the ground, the wolf can choose where he or she wants to bite and the places include the neck area, snout, and back. Also, someone killed by an animal can have multiple bite marks all over their body.
9. Hippos

Kills 500 People Per Year
How does it kill?
Hippos kill animals by either crushing or biting them, which is the same for humans. Also, in case of an encounter with a hippo in the water, there is a possibility of killing by drowning too.
10. Elephants

Kills 600 People Per Year
How does it kill?
Elephants kill their prey in the most terrible ways possible. They can crush it under foot or with their heads, and even pick it up with their trumps to smash it back to the ground. The most nauseating thing is that they can impale it using their trunk.
11. Stonefish

Kills 1000 People Per Year
How does it kill?
Stonefish has a dorsal fin that has thirteen stout spines which can inject highly toxic venom into its prey. However, as you can see in the picture, there is no way you can spot one in the sea and it is very normal to step on it. That is exactly when it will inject venom into the body resulting in intense pain and death.
12. Crocodiles

Kills 1000 People Per Year
How does it kill?
Once you are in control of the crocodile, it will use its jaw to put 3,700 pounds per square inch of force on your body, crushing you in the most painful way possible.
13. Scorpions

Kills 3,300 People Per Year
How does it kill?
Scorpions have a sting that they use to inject venom, a neurotoxin, into their enemy’s body. This chemical adversely affects the nervous system which can either kill or paralyse the prey. The initial response of this venom in humans is high blood pressure, increased heart rate, restlessness and uncontrollable crying in children.
14. Assassin Bugs (Chagas Disease)

Kills 10,000 Per Year
How does it kill?
Assassin Bugs stalk their prey with swift moves and electric speed and unleash their attack at the right moment. It stings its prey and injects a paralysing toxin into their body which is the same as the salivary secretion that they use to dissolve the tissues of their prey which makes it very painful too. These toxins result in Chagas disease which is extremely fatal for humans.
15. Dogs (Rabies)

Kills 59,000 People Per Year
How does it kill?
If a dog is infected with rabies and it happens to bite a human intentionally or unintentionally, he or she will also get rabies which is a fatal disease.
16. Ascaris Roundworm

Kills 60,000 People Per Year
How does it kill?
Ascaris Roundworm can enter a human body with any food or drink or specifically improperly cooked pork contaminated with Ascaris eggs. They hatch inside the intestines and the larvae burrow into the gut wall migrating to the lungs via blood. They further break into alveoli passing up to the trachea where they can either get coughed up or even swallowed.
17. Snakes

Kills 138,000 People Per Year
How does it kill?
Snakes use their front teeth to inject venom into their prey’s body which causes bleeding, severe allergic reactions, kidney failure, tissue death around the bite or even problem with breathing. These poisonous bites can lead to the loss of a limb, some chronic problems or even death.
18. Freshwater Snail

Kills 200,000 People Per Year
How does it kill?
Freshwater Snail gets inside the human body, stomach to be specific where it lays eggs. These eggs cause schistosomiasis which is a super deadly disease whose symptoms can be paralysis of the legs and blood in the vomiting.
19. Humans (Homicides Only)

Kills 400,000 People Per Year
How does it kill?
There is no one way for this animal to kill its fellow animal. They stay creative about this and keep coming up with innovative ways to kill humans. Also, the number mentioned above is just about the homicides which were recorded.
20. Mosquitoes

Kills 725,000 People Per Year
How does it kill?
Mosquitoes do not kill humans directly but by spreading disease through lethal viruses that they can carry from one body to another. The most common diseases they spread are malaria and dengue fever.
This was an article about the dangerous animals in the world that can kill humans in the most horrifying way possible. Read this article carefully as there are so many names and things which struck me with surprise.
Share this article with your friends and family so that they know about the animals they should not mess with. Also, you must use the comment section given below to share your thoughts with me and your fellow readers.
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