Balenciaga, a most popular luxury brand, always produces high demand products for which consumers are willing to pay much more than you can imagine. With its recent creation of “fully destroyed” sneakers, the company is making headlines. Balenciaga has a powerful collection titled “Paris Sneakers” under which these shoes are launched. They are being sold in two variants “high-top, and a backless mule” and have a price range of “$495 (approx. ₹ 38,000) to $1,850 (roughly ₹ 1.44 lakh)”.

Balenciaga Strategy- High Damage Means High Price
By launching these “fully destroyed” the company is working with an extreme strategy, which described, that a high price comes with high damaged sneakers. Their loyal consumers are going to pay for more dirt, more slashing, more damage and more cracks.
These are limited edition shoes, and only 100 pairs are available as part of the latest campaign by Balenciaga under the tagline, “sneakers are meant to be worn for a lifetime.”
On its official website, Balenciaga introduced its new collection by saying, “A retooled classic design interprets mid-century athleticism and timeless casual wear in black, white, or red, with a white rubber sole and toe. It is finished with distressed canvas and rough edges, affecting a pre-worn look. A dedicated campaign shows the shoes extremely worn, marked up and dirtied.”
Twitter users were not able to maintain a chill after witnessing the new offering of Balenciaga. Here are the tweets which show the response of netizens:
I think this user wanted to describe the standards of the latest fashion. He wrote “Nueva Barbie Balenciaga.”
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Well, I think you understand what the user is trying to say after writing these words as captions, “Tag someone that deserves these new Balenciaga shoes.”
Today’s fashion sense needs therapy. As the user wrote, “Anyone who buys Balenciaga needs to go see the therapist.”