Google after modernising our payment system and making it mobile-friendly now is back with another mission which can equally affect our banking methods. Google Wallet is coming guys and is surely capable of replacing your Google Pay app. Also if the company finds its way then your physical wallet will be replaced too. Well, genuinely even now I don’t carry a wallet. You can see the upcoming effects of the new update, as in the early stage of development the company can replace the app icon of multi-coloured Gpay with Google Wallet.

What Will Be The Use Of Google Wallet?
With this initiative now Google plans to completely diminish the offline use of currency. The company wants to replace your physical wallet to virtualize it with the Google Wallet app. “This step is inspired by the virtualization of credit cards, debit cards, transit, tickets, boarding passes, gift cards, vaccination certificates, etc.”
Now that the card keys and even IDs have found their way to your smartphone, another question is rising: Can currency be made available virtually on your smartphone? Well, we will witness it, the complete virtualization is coming soon.
G Wallet Description
This app will also integrate itself with other Google Applications. For example in low balance situations, it can be seen working coordinatively with Google Maps, play store, etc to reload your balance in one go.
If we go one step further then, Google Wallet which is also described as a “secure digital credential store” can be your next home for essential IDs and certificates. Although the probability of this happening completely depends on the Government agencies.
It is suggested that after being implemented with some adaptations and updations the wallet can become a protected locker for your office badges, IDs, & hotel keys. The process to do so requires third party support, but will be improved after some modifications.
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Google Wallet vs Google Pay?
Well, this question might come to your mind now after reading the above info. But let me tell you that, there will be no competition between the two inventions of Google, they both will continue to serve parallelly. Google pay stickers will still be available in the shops, markets, malls, etc. The option “Buy With Google Pay” will be there on the web and mobile apps and when you make the trade then the payment will be sent through Google Pay. This will be the exact situation as Apple, which the company has performed with its two services “Wallet app and Apple Pay service” for many years now. Thus, it concludes that Wallet will play the role of the safe locker for your essential documents and will replace the need for physical ones.