Coronavirus has become the talk of the town in India as multiple people have been tested positive of the virus in the last couple of days. As many as six coronavirus cases have been reported in the country, most of which hail from Agra and the NCR.

As per the reports, the patient has arrived in India form Vienna and had taken a trip to Agra. He had met six of his family members all of whom have been quarantined at the Safdurjung Hospital in Delhi. Moreover, an Italian national has also been tested positive of the virus and all the 24 people he may have been in contact with have been quarantined.

While medical facilities are doing their job, we as good citizens of the country must adhere to ensure we take necessary steps to keep the virus at bay.

One the most important thing to remember is that coronavirus spreads via droplets of sneeze and cough and thus WHO had advised washing your hand properly to thwart the possibility of catching the virus.
So, here is a step-to-step guide on how WHO suggests washing your hands amid coronavirus.
Step-by-Step guide

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Recently comedian Ellen DeGeneres had also shared a tutorial on how one should wash their hands to keep the virus at bay. Have a look.
A study conducted in 2019 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge had shown how mere washing hands can lessen the chances of catching any kind of virus by 61%.
A researcher wrote: “Viruses may be transmitted through air, resulting in the contagion of airborne infections or through physical contact between individuals. The transmission is accelerated when dense populations are concentrated in confined spaces, like an airport, with a lack of good hygiene and efficient air ventilation”.
Also, the ministry of health has also pinpointed some dos and don’ts people must follow to keep themselves safe from the virus.

Also Read: 11 Funny And Creative Ways That People Are Opting To Save Themselves From Coronavirus
If you need any kind of assistance regarding coronavirus, you can contact at the free helpline number +91-11-2397-8046