A Delhi boy, college dropout, 37 years old, and you will be imagining a typical Delhi guy who spent his dad’s money in worthless things and now taking care of his dad’s business. Now, if I say, a founder, CEO, motivator, influencer, counselor and one of the most sorted human beings, you start thinking differently.
Well, this all sums up a man named Sandeep Maheshwari. With an unending hunger for learning, he sailed through the ups and downs of life. He is now mentoring millions across the globe via his seminars and YouTube videos. With his company, imagesbazaar, he has changed life of so many struggling models. While his inspiring storytelling abilities, is changing life of so many other individuals.
He not only motivates but aware us with the reality of today’s world. So, I picked up some inspiring quotes by him which I always apply whenever I need to buck up.
1. When In Dilemma
2. More Money, More Problems
3. Truth Will Always Keep Your Mind Clear
4. A Punch Can Kill, Likewise A Finger Can Pierce
5. First Believe In Yourself
6. Winning Your Own-self Is The Biggest
7. Never Stop Believing In Yourself
8. Like Einstein Said,
9. Nip The Evil
10. Run After Expertise
11. We Corrupt Our Own Minds
Are there any other quotes which inspires you? Do share in comments.
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