More than just providing the vaccine to its own people, India, like that one good friend, has come forward to provide the COVID-19 vaccine to several countries from across the globe.
While most of these countries will get the vaccine at a fair price, some countries like Oman, on the other hand, will receive — either the Covishield or Covaxin — absolutely free of cost.

India, for the unaware, makes 60% of the global vaccine so it’s natural for it to export the same. And keeping its commitment to ensure every country receives the vaccine, India has already set an example with a promise to offer 20 million doses of coronavirus vaccine to its neighbours.
Here is the list of countries that have approached the Indian government for India-made vaccines:
1. Bhutan had sought made-in-India Covid-19 vaccines earlier and India, keeping its promise intact, will today send 1.5-lakh doses of the vaccine to Bhutan.
2. The Maldives, the Indian Ocean country to whom India had also provided covid assistance in the form of medicine, food and more, will also get India-made vaccine from today.
3. Bangladesh will receive as many as 20 lakh doses of Covishield vaccine from India starting today.

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4. The violence-torn country Afghanistan is an important partner to India. And to ensure people there enjoy the best of health, the Indian government has assured vaccine supply to the country.
5. Nepal has requested the Indian government for the supply of India-made vaccine and India is all ears for the same.
6. The east African country, Seychelles, will also receive India made vaccine starting from today.

7. Brazil’s President, Jair Bolsonaro, had asked India for the vaccine, however, owing to India’s neighborhood first policy, there would be a delay in delivering the same to Brazil.
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8. As per a report by News18, the Dominican Prime Minister has requested PM Modi doses of the COVID-19 vaccine.
9. Myanmar will also receive India-made vaccine.
10. Vaccine would be made available to Sri Lanka after the country’s regulators clear the drug for usage.
11. Similarly, Mauritius is also waiting for its regulators to approve the made-in-India vaccine before the country beings to import the same.

12. Mongolia will likely receive the Indian made vaccine free of cost as a ‘goodwill gesture’.
13. Oman may also receive the vaccine free of cost.

14. Other countries that have asked India for vaccines are Bahrain and Philippines.

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