Taking things lightly and carelessly can be quite dangerous. For a man, this lesson has come at the cost of his life. Kirill Matveev lost his life after being ‘electrocuted‘ trying to charge his phone.

The Russian guy was lying on the bed with her girlfriend Mira Polyshina when the incident took place. Kirill was trying to charge his phone without getting off the bad. However, his mobile charger was ‘badly insulated’. As soon as he plugged on the charger he got ‘electrocuted’.

His girlfriend also suffered shocks. Mira tried to help him breathe and summoned an ambulance. However, Kirill could not be saved. Initial police investigation says that the electric cable on a charger was not properly insulated. ‘He put the smartphone on charge and got a shock, as did his girlfriend,’ said the spokesperson.
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Her girlfriend posted an emotional message reading: ‘Forgive me for not being able to save you. She further wrote, ‘I tried, I did everything to make you breathe, but even the ambulance crew could not. I love you, as you know very well … Ohhh, how painful it was to look at you then WHEN I couldn’t save you”.
Inputs from Daily Mail