Traveling the world might be costly, but by utilizing the correct credit cards, you can travel nearly for nothing. Many credit cards include reward points or air miles that may be used to get free flights or hotel stays.
You may acquire enough reward points to go to your ideal places without spending a fortune by choosing the correct credit card with generous loyalty programs and being clever with your shopping. However, to maximize your points, you must carefully plan your trip and credit card usage.
You can make your trip aspirations a reality without breaking your wallet with a little study and smart planning.
Air miles, often known as frequent flyer miles, are reward points gained while making transactions with a certain airline or its related partners. These points may be used to get free or reduced flights, as well as other benefits.
Air miles may be a great method for regular travelers to save money on their travel expenditures. While they may look complicated at first, they get simpler once you understand how they work. Air miles are essentially the reward program points offered by major airlines.
Three Ways To Earn Air Miles
1. Earn Money By Flying
Flying, whether with a single airline or one of its partner airlines, is one way to earn air miles. For example, if you purchase a Vistara ticket, you can earn Club Vistara (CV) points based on how much you spend.
2. Co-Branded Credit Cards
Co-branded credit cards from banks and airlines allow you to earn air miles for everyday purchases. You may earn CV points by using Axis Bank’s co-branded credit card with Vistara, for example.
3. Transfer Of Credit Card Reward Points
Many institutions allow you to convert credit card reward points into frequent flyer miles for numerous airlines. Customers of HDFC, Axis, and AMEX banks may transfer their reward points to over 15 different airlines.
If you travel frequently and want to experience premium air travel, air miles might be a great way to save money. However, it is critical to select the appropriate airline program and credit card for your travel goals.
You must plan your air miles earning approach in the same way that you plan your investing strategy, beginning with identifying your destination, locating the finest program for that location, and then selecting the ideal credit card for your spending categories.
It is possible to execute one luxury overseas vacation every year if you follow your plan meticulously.