Are you Depressed? It might sound like an absurd question but the fact is that people don’t generally recognise when they are depressed. So, it is essential to learn about the signs of depression that we should not ignore.

In this article, we will learn about the 20 signs of depression we should notice. It will help us spot the condition on time so we can work on the cure before it hits us hard.
1. Sadness will linger around for no specific reason in varied intensity, sometimes accompanied by crying.
2. Constant fatigue will keep us tired all day. A long nap in the night or day does not make a difference to the irresistible urge to sleep.
3. We start questioning ourselves and everything we do puts us in a guilt trap without a reason.
4. Anxiety becomes our constant partner accompanied by hot flashes or shivers, numbness and chest pain.
5. Suicidal thoughts are always on our minds which reflects in our thoughts, reading, writing, drawing and more.
6. We might lose interest in our favourite activities if we are under depression.
7. Our appetite is also affected by depression which could go either way. It can get lost or become too much for us to handle.
8. We might get addicted to drugs, cigarettes, or alcohol.
9. Headache is the most common physical symptom we can find in depressed people.
10. We might face constant pain in our stomach as our brain becomes sensitive towards pain.
11. Pains are common during depression and back pain is one of the common pains to feel during the depression.
12. Nausea is a common thing to feel during the depression which also includes feeling disgusted by certain food items.
13. People with constant diarrhoea or constipation should also check on their depression.
14. Depression pushes people away in isolation, withdrawing themselves from society.
15. Insomnia is another common symptom as it is the result of overwhelming thoughts in the mind.
16. Sexual desires also tend to get killed during the process of dealing with depression.
17. If you are feeling difficulty concentrating on your work, please do not ignore it.
18. Depression can be frustrating which can easily lead to a lot of anger.
19. Indecisiveness is a huge sign of depression which we tend to ignore.
20. Nervousness becomes your friend in every situation.
In this article, we learnt about the 20 signs of Depression that we should not ignore in ourselves or in people around us. If we manage to spot depression on time, we can deal with it without letting it go out of our hands.
Please share this article with people who you think might be at the verge of getting into the pit of depression.
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