Referred to as ‘God Of Cricket’, sometimes dubbed as Master Blaster, Sachin Tendulkar is the latest to join the latest Twitter’s one-word trend, by posting a single-word “Cricket”.

Twitter’s One Word Trend
If you have not used Twitter recently, we can inform you what you have missed. Its new trend, ‘Twitter’s one-word trend’ popped out of nowhere suddenly and attracted several popular accounts to join. From US President, Joe Biden to Master Blaster, Sachin Tendulkar all the populars are posting “one-word tweets”.
The trend hyped up suddenly, but we can tell you how it started. American train service provider Amtrak’s social media team got a little creative and tweeted a single word “trains”.
After a few hours, Amtrak’s one-word tweet attracted 130,000 likes and had over 20,000 retweets. Then the trend got even more serious and many popular Twitter accounts joined it such as NASA, Joe Biden, NPR, The Washington Post, Deadpool ( official Marvel account ) and Sachin Tendulkar the latest to join.
Here are the ‘One Word Tweets’ from popular Twitter accounts:
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