The ‘Patient Zero’ that is the first discovered affected person from COVID-19 has been identified. Reports from the Chinese media and The Wall Street Journal have shown the findings in this regard. However, no official confirmation has been made from the side of the ‘Chinese government’ who is blaming the virus on ‘U.S. Soldiers’ (who visited Wuhan).

Before proceeding let me clarify for the unknowns that ‘patient zero’ refers to the ‘first documented case’. That is ‘patient zero’ is surely amongst the first few affected by the disease (in case of Pandemics) but may or may not be the very 1st person.

As per reports from Wall Street Journal ‘Patient Zero’ of COVID-19 is a 57-year old woman from China’s Wuhan. The lady named Wei Guixian is a shrimp seller in Wuhan’s ‘Wet Market’. Wei was selling Shrimp at the Huanan Seafood Market and on 10th December 2019 developed cold. She went to the local doctor however, it was diagnosed later that she is suffering from a new type of virus.
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The Wuhan city municipal corporation put a press note on its website of the first 27 cases. The press note said that 27 cases of pneumonia have been reported. However, this later turned out to be COVID-19. The majority of the 27 people were from the market where Wei worked. That is she kept on spreading the virus until it was detected and she was isolated. The Virus got into the human (the lady) through a process called ‘Zoonosis’. As per it the viruses cross-species to effect the new species which was earlier unaffected.

Huanan Seafood Market is ‘Central China’s’ largest seafood market. The market is a ‘Wet Market’ that is the one where exotic animals like Pangolins, Snakes, etc are slaughtered as well as sold fresh. The term ‘Wet’ is used with such markets as there is a lot of animal blood due to slaughtering. This on the spot slaughtering under un-sanitary conditions has been the key behind the rise of the COVID-19. Wet markets are popular culture in China. The SARS virus which originated in 2003-04 in China was also originated from such markets in China.

There are also some speculations that cases of COVID-19 surfaced in the month of November. However, no evidence in this regard has surfaced so far. The Chinese government, however, is denying any such reports. They have even launched a book putting forward their propaganda. The books show how China defeated the pandemic. The primary source of the virus has been agreed upon by researchers as ‘Bat’.