The cyber extortion attempt the shutdown of an important US pipeline. This DarkSide (a criminal gang) operated pipeline which cultivates a Robin Hood image of stealing from corporations and giving a cut to charity.

The shutdown loses regulations for the transport of petroleum products on highways. Also, it disrupts the fuel supply. Experts say that gasoline prices are unlikely to be affected even the pipeline is back to normal in the coming days. Of course, but the incident — the worst cyber attack to date on critical U.S. infrastructure should serve as a wake-up call to companies about the vulnerabilities.
As per the company, “The Colonial Pipeline operates in gasoline and other fuel from Texas to the Northeast. Roughly, it delivers nearly 45% of the fuel consumed on the East Coast.”
However, on Sunday, the Colonial Pipeline said it is processing a “system restart” plan. Its key pipeline remains offline, only smaller lines are now operational.
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The company said in a statement that “We trying to process the restoring service to other laterals and bring our full system back online only when we believe it is safe to do so, and in full compliance with the approval of all federal regulations.”