A 136-year-old painting painted by the famous Dutch painter, Vincent Van Gogh, was stolen from the Dutch museum, which has been lockdown due to coronavirus spread. The incident happened on the same day when the museum celebrated the 167th birth anniversary of the painter.

The painting was reportedly worth £5m as per a report by the Guardian. The painting that the thieves stole is called Van Gogh’s Parsonage Garden at Neunen in Spring. The thieves entered the museum after breaking the front glass of the Singer Laren museum at around 3 AM in the morning. No other artwork seems to be missing from the museum.

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Reportedly, the alarm had also gone on by the thieves fled before the police could arrive. The officials at the museum said they were really pissed about the painting being stolen, which was loaned from the Groninger Museum.

“A beautiful and moving painting by one of our greatest painters, stolen from the community … This must come back as soon as possible, so that we can enjoy and be comforted by this beautiful art again,” said an official.
Vincent Van Gogh
As far as the painter Vincent Van Gogh is concerned, he had created almost 2,100 artworks, including around 860 oil paintings, in his lifetime. Most of the paintings he has painted were in the last two years of his life.

The painting that the thieves stole was painted by him back in 1884 showing the spring garden of the rectory at Neunen. The oil painting has a person standing in a garden surrounded by trees with a church tower in the background.
The painting was painted in the last years of his life when he had moved back to Netherland to stay with his family. He there painted most of the life that he saw around with his pinch of creativity.

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Van Gogh developed a far more colourful, vibrant style of painting as his health declined before his death in 1890.