Poverty and starvation can reach such levels is nothing but only horrifies humanity. While we take the availability of food at our dispense at granted there are many who don’t taste it for days. Such is the story of this woman who faked cooking a meal for her children.
We are talking about Peninah Bahati Kitsao, who lives in Mombasa. The mother of 8 children has nothing to feed to her kids. Seeing her children looking at her with a hungry face she faked cooking a meal for them to make them believe that something is there.
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The lady put stones in a utensil with water and put it on fire for boiling. As ber BBC News Kitsao is an illiterate woman who used to work as a washerwoman in her neighborhood. She lost her work as people are observing social distancing due to COVID-19.

Thankfully one of her neighbor Prisca Momanvi saw this tragic scene, she alerted the media and also opened a bank account for her. She started getting money in her bank account and via mobile phone as Kenyans came forward for her help. The lady who is a widow lost her husband killed by an armed robber.
“I had to devise a way of making my last born child know that there was food being prepared after she started to cry over hunger. The rest of my children are a bit older and when I told them we had nothing to eat, they understood“, said Kitsao. “I didn’t believe that Kenyans can be so loving. I have been receiving phone calls from all over the country asking how they might be of help”, she adds.