Young generation has become very woke about adopting a pet over buying one. There are thousands of animals out there in animal shelters and on roads and many NGOs are doing good work to protect their rights. When thinking about pets dogs are first choice of many people and in that people prefer adopting a puppy home. There are challenges in bringing an adult dog home but with a puppy you get excited.
Many people still resort top buying pure breeds from dog breeders who have commercialized it as a business. Dog breeders get a female dog pregnant as much as they can to roll out puppies and it is a harrowing state of a puppy mill. Puppies are separated from their mothers when they are just 30 days old. This deprives them of mother’s milk that is crucial for their growth and immunity. Even when you are adopting a puppy from a dog shelter then you should ask the care givers about the age of the pup.

Puppies should be fed with mother’s milk at least for 60 days. Mother’s milk contains antibodies which provide immunity from diseases and infections in early stage of life. When people bring puppy home when they are 30-35 days old they start feeding them solid food or foods that are only fit for humans. 30-35 day old pups can’t chew food and they need milk in their diet. It is better if you leave the puppy with mother for as many as 70 days and then bring them home after full check-up from a vet.
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But in some cases when puppy is without his mother stranded on the roads you can bring him home and immediately take to a vet. Since he was stranded alone on the streets there are chances that he is suffering from infection and needs full body check up. Most common infections in puppy are parvoviral infection and canine distemper virus infection. Common symptoms to watch are loss of appetite, vomiting and bloody stools and it ruins the digestive system if left unchecked.

Another reason why you should let the puppy be with mother is that it helps them in developing social skills. Mothers teach puppies about both acceptable and unacceptable behaviours. She stops them when they start biting their mother or siblings. This helps them in growing cognitive skills. It is good to make good research before adopting a puppy as it will help you on your journey in becoming pet parent. Do not buy pets from breeders and adopt them to make their lives better.