In a move towards putting a hold to the obsession of ‘fair skin’ government has tabled an important proposal. The Health and Family Welfare Ministry has decided to put a stringent punishment on endorsing fair skin ads. A jail term of up to five years and a fine of up to Rs 50 lakh for endorsing fair skin products have been proposed.
The changes are proposed in the draft amendment to the Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements Act, 1954) act. The proposal says that advertisements for magic remedies and drugs promoting fair skin, enhancing sexual performance, stammering, infertility in women, premature aging and greying, increasing brain capacity among others shall be banned.

At present, the first conviction is punishable with imprisonment of up to six months or fine or both; and a subsequent conviction can result in imprisonment of up to a year or fine, or both.

The amendment proposes to increase the penalties. For the first conviction, the proposed punishment is imprisonment of up to two years and fine up to Rs 10 lakh. For a subsequent conviction, the imprisonment may extend to five years with a fine of up to Rs 50 lakh.
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The ministry says that it has bought the amendment in order to keep pace with changing time and technology. Suggestions are invited on the proposal by the government within 45 days of the publication of the notice.
Inputs from Livemint