‘Okay, so what are your hobbies?’
This is a question that you must have heard at least a zillion of times. At the school, in the college, meeting a new friend or even in an interview.
And no, watching Netflix or laying on the couch doesn’t count as a hobby. So, don’t you dare tell your employer that you like to hang out with your couch and when you don’t feel like laying, you start streaming Netflix!

A hobby is never supposed to make you lazy, it is meant to develop your creativity and release that cooped up stress. And if you still think, laying on the couch is better than having a hobby, I’m sure you must be accumulating all of that stress your body would have released. Only if you have a hobby.
So, don’t waste your time. Here are 15 hobbies for beginners or for you people who don’t understand the concept of hobbies-
1. Meditation
Known for increasing concentration, willpower, and immune system, meditation is certainly one of the best hobbies that one can adopt. It will also calm you down and relieve your stress. To start meditating, all you have to do is take out some time for yourself.
It doesn’t matter if you invest 5 minutes or 50 minutes, doing a little is better than doing nothing.
2. Photography
It’s not that hard if you know the basics and you have a good sense of your surrounding. The best part is that you don’t actually need a big, expensive DSLR to start your hobby. The small camera inside your smartphone will do the job for now.
Winter is already here, so why are you waiting, go and try to capture that beautiful sunrise.
3. Start a club
Have you watched the movie ‘Fight Club’? Did you notice how easy it is to start a club? Simply find a common interest among your friends and start talking about it. Share your experiences, tell your theories and get lost into something that you love.
By any means, I’m not suggesting you start another fight club. Pick up something civil, something that won’t give you bruises.
4. Make something out of the waste
The best hobby to explore your creativity. If you pick it as your hobby you’ll get the power to turn your junk into gold. No, I’m not exaggerating anything, there are no guidelines to follow. Experiment with your waste and turn them into something unique.
Usually, girls and housewives pick this as a hobby that doesn’t mean you can’t choose it. Go ahead and try to find if you have any creativity or not.
5. Reading
It is a pretty conventional hobby that everyone wants to pick but the sad part is, most people get scared of books. But if you often find yourself zoned out, lost in your thought away from reality, reading fiction will be a good choice for you.
Also if you don’t like being friends with humans, I’m sure you’ll love books.
6. Start painting
Just go out and buy some watercolors to start with. Paint everything that looks colorless to you. Paint the mug, your t-shirt, black big white wall of your living room or try to color a canvas. You don’t have to be a professional, just let our imaginations take over you.
Don’t think about time, don’t think about the after mess, it is nothing when compared with the feeling you’ll get in the end.
7. Learn cooking and get lucky
I’m not lying, girls love a man who can cook and not just for a hobby, it is essential for a man to know how to cook. Be creative do some experiment with your food, add jam to your rice and maybe you’ll end up creating a new dish. Also, social media loves people, who share pictures of them cooking.
If you know how to cook, you don’t have to eat the karela that you have in your lunch or the pizza you just ordered.
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8. Hiking
There is nothing better than breathing fresh air while watching a beautiful weather. Go on a hike and rejuvenate your soul. Sitting inside a room, eyes stuck on your computer screen can cause a lot of stress inside your brain. So go out, go on a hike and release some of that stress.
Hiking is not just good for your soul, but it is also good for your body.
9. Join some sport in a sports complex
You’ll not get the chance to gather all of your friends to go and play football with you. It gets harder and harder once you become an adult. But, if you are a sports buff and love the feeling of being on the field, just by watching ESPN, joining a sports complex is the best option for you.
Relive your childhood and join the pakdam-pakdai (tag) with your new local team.
10. Write letters to your loved ones
People have forgotten what it feels like to send and receive a physical letter. But you can start the trend. Write letters to your family and loved ones, then wait for their replies. The best thing is that you can spread positivity this way, as no one would have expected to receive a physical letter.
This might sound cliche but writing letters to your girlfriend will also make you look romantic.
11. Watch online documentaries
Our brain doesn’t forget images easily and if you get information along with images, you won’t forget that information as well. From religion to crime, there are documentaries made on every subject. Gain new knowledge and become more curious about your surrounding after watching documentaries.
Watch online documentaries to become smarter than what you are right now.
12. Start a YouTube channel
If you think all the above-mentioned options are old school, start making videos for YouTube as your new hobby. If you are not camera shy and now about internet, you can portray your talent in front of the entire world. YouTube has made many creators, simply by providing them with a platform to share.
Pick up your camera, those shades, and your cap. Maybe you can become another Casey Neistat.
13. Gardening
Not just flowers but also veggies. You can grow pretty much anything, even marijuana if you put your heart in gardening. But it depends on how you approach it, gardening is an inexpensive hobby. But before you get your hands dirty, I suggest you have patience because you can’t get fruit in one day.
Also, if you get good at it, you can eat your own home grown veggies.
14. Learn bike riding
From exploring mountains to exploring your neighborhood, there is no better way than riding a bike. They are fast, they look cool, and the feel is just next level. Learn bike riding and then take your bike on a trip to mountains or to shore in your free time.
You can even join a bikers community to make yourself look strong and cool.
15. Start a blog
If you think you have a story to tell, either sad or a happy story, use the power of the internet and share it with the world. Start a blog and give words to your thoughts, let the world know what’s inside your head and believe me you’ll feel light and happy.
If you love writing you should have your own blog.
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In Conclusion:
After reading all these hobbies for beginners, I hope you have picked at least one hobby for yourself. Though, just picking it is not enough. You have to get into it, start researching to know more about your hobby and what else you can do with it. Maybe you’ll find something interesting that will motivate you to make it your passion.
You can set weekly challenges so that you can achieve continuous growth in whatever you do. The only thing to remember is that your hobby is to make you feel less stressed. So, don’t get super hyped and eventually lose interest in it.