In a one of its kind medical anomaly, an 80-year old man was diagnosed with a rare condition in which the ‘Egg Shell’ of calcium was detected around his swollen testicles during examination at Lucknow’s King George’s Medical University.

The man went to the hospital when he found that his urine is carrying blood in it. The doctors at the King George’s Medical University found that his right testicle was ‘grossly enlarged’ and ‘stony hard’.
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On analysis, it was found that Calcium had built up inside the scrotum of the man and had made a solid case around his testicle like an ‘Eggshell’. The said man was suffering from a rare condition of ‘hydrocele’ which is a type of swelling in the scrotum that occurs when fluid collects in the thin sheath surrounding a testicle. The man though has undergone surgery for the treatment.
Read more at Daily Mail