Over the years users have become more aware of their privacy online. They are conscious about their online presence or info being exposed to others on several online platforms. One such platform is WhatsApp, on which some users don’t want people to let them see their online status. For this, instant messaging platforms have many privacy options which users can activate in settings. WhatsApp is built on its privacy and security features. It became famous with end-to-end encryption services which are applicable for texting, video calling and payment options.

WhatsApp Online Status Hiding Feature
“Since there are cyber criminals on the prowl looking to use WhatsApp as a vehicle to lure victims, it is essential to use the WhatsApp tools and features that help users remain safe. One of those features is to hide online status – as it may just help users to have control over what information they share with others”, mentioned gadgets now.
Also read:
WhatsApp Announced A Streak of New Features: Privacy, Communities, Online Status and More
Here Are The Steps To Hide Your WhatsApp Online Status:
- First access WhatsApp on your phone.
- Now open the settings
- Open your account settings and go to privacy.
- Now open Last Seen and Online.
- Select the option from ‘Who can see my last seen’.
- Under the option ‘Who can see when I’m online?
- Tap on ‘Same as last seen.
- After this, your WhatsApp status will be hidden from most of the users.